Sunday 15 September 2013

156. .....and you thought, what?

Since I had come to my senses in the mind, body and spirit, I have realised about the unfathomable depth of the one powerful factor that moves the world; the one factor none of us can do without; the one factor all of us crave for till the last breath. No prizes for guessing but I know some of you got it right. Yes, it is love, love and love.
Saturday was an overwhelming experience with the children adopted by the Don Bosco Institute of Guwahati as I spoke words of enthusiasm with them. They almost brought the house down with their screams of joy and laughter. And I enjoyed every second.
My pledge was simple but that was a day I wanted to give away something. My eyes. As tears rolled down my cheeks looking at the sight impaired little boys and girls, singing, "I have a dream....a song to sing," I only wished I could live that much more to see the dreams of these little angels come true!
(...and all this time you thought my life belonged to me? Nay, it belongs to the people of that same God who has shown me the way to give myself away to the privileged few who desperately need me!)

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