Tuesday, 28 May 2013

114. Love Thyself

While counseling boys and girls of schools, the one thing I love asking them is, "How many of you here love your own self?" There would be a few hands which would go up from the boys end and a lot more from the end of the girls. And then I would go on to ask them how and why they love themselves. They would sit and think endlessly on these two vital questions, some of them even peering into their friend's paper to see what he or she has written. I mean, how and why wouldn't I know that I love myself. My very existence, the very fact that I am Me is enough to love myself. So, I tell these kids that before you love someone and promise the moon to your lover, love yourself. Take care of your mind, your heart, your body and your soul. Only once you know how to take care and love your own self, can you think of loving someone else 'like no tomorrow'.

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