Friday, 3 May 2013

105. I AM!

There is always a strange question which does the rounds with some of my associates, "Why are you like this?" I was pretty aghast when this question first hit me. But am I not supposed to be what I am? 

How else am I supposed to be? I am what I am. I have been specially custom-made by God with a blue-print that doesnot match with anyone else's in the world. So, is it not natural that I behave like me? How can I possibly behave, talk or be like someone I don't even know. Who better than me knows me? I don't wish to ape anyone. I just want to be me. 

As a kid, Mom would ask me, "Look, why can't you be like her or talk like him?" And the little girl in me with a huge mind, could never understand her. I would be left in a confused and perplexed state of mind. So, now, I tell Tirus, "Look baby, you got a mind of your own. You are special and different. Make your own decisions and behave like Tirus, not like anyone else."

A couple of years back I watched as one of the almost close to perfect (or so we think) beauty contestants was asked a question, which left me thinking! The judge asked, "What is it that you would like to change in your body if you were given a gadget to perfect yourself?" And the young lady had a whole lot of things to 'purrfect', much to the chagrin of the judges and me! She went onto say how she would like a perfect nose, lips, a flatter abdomen, better shaped thighs and a lot more. Oh God help her! I let out a sigh! How much more will she want to be till she loses her God-gifted self?

All said and done, I am supremely happy with what and who I am. I am proud of being and behaving like me. I love the little imperfections, or so others think that I have been born with. I like to think like me, dress like me, eat like me and above all, love like me! 'Cause I know no one can beat me at being Me. I would be proud to be born as me again! I AM!

(I thank my friend ONIR for giving us the film I AM.)

*All pictures in the blog The Fashionista are the sole property of Tinat Atifa Masood. Any use or misuse without prior permission will be treated as an offence and will have legal implications.

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