Wednesday, 3 April 2013

82. Love is LOVE!

When people ask me what do I do, what is my business; I tell them I Love. They look pretty taken aback. Love? Love what, whom, how, when, where? So many questions but I have only one answer; I love! 
Love is such a thing I would say that has been distorted, contorted, moulded, twisted and what not into shapes, manners, ideas, things, visions, dreams and a lot more. 
But Love is only LOVE. It has only one way to feel it, understand it, nurture it, crave for it, see it; Love. It is complicated, yet it is the easiest thing to do. It is this heady concoction, the aroma that just refuses to go away. It is sheer madness that wishes to grow wings and take flight. It simply wants to write, write and write, on themes unheard of. It composes the insanest of poetry and dances in the rain to a beat never played before. It wants to run through the valley of flowers. It wants to go wild having ice-creams while it is snowing. It wishes to dance in the rain only to have the water trickle down the crevices of the body. It wishes to do a lot of things to love. It wants to scream and shout. But more than often is unable to do so.  So, Love is LOVE!
(This is not a literary piece and is not supposed to be taken too seriously!)

( It was a working evening for me. However, inspite of it, I did a casual do for the ensemble and rushed to work!)

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