Friday, 2 August 2013

146. OMG!

And then they say that expectation is the mother of all sadness, all unhappiness! Chiklits galore have just one opinion- learn to be happy with yourself!
But when I think deeply, I often ask myself this question; does happiness really lie deep within a person? And the answer hits me back; ofcourse silly-billy, happiness does lie deep within us. Then why do we keep looking only for things, people or incidents outside ourselves to make us happy and keep us happy? Why can’t we be plain and happy with our own selves? I mean it is no rocket science to remain happy with oneself! There is so much to explore in oneself.
Just like when we buy a smart phone, we have so much to explore. As we go through the different applications installed in the phone, we are thrilled beyond our dreams to see the ingenuity of each one of them and we eventually succeed as we spend most of our time trying to put it to good use in our daily lives.
Isn’t it also possible that we spend a lot of time with ourselves, try to reach deep within ourselves and make an effort to find out the applications installed inside us so that we can put it to good use in our lives and be happy with ourselves. Instead of waiting for some grand incident to happen, we just got to be happy every moment of our lives and just make the most of life.
‘Cause if I think of the Universe(s) that exist, I can only understand that I am but a speck of dust; just a mere dot in this magnanimous creation!

So this dot needs to understand that it is an extremely precious creation of the omnipotent in His magnificent blue-print and be happy about it! It’s pretty much easy!