Friday, 29 November 2013

165. Smile!

I know I have enough road rage to burn anyone to cinders! But a couple of days back, what a friend of mine opined that he converts his road rage into a totally different energy; a smile. Left me thinking though!
"There are enough nerds out there on the roads to make you turn into a real life monster in the process. But if you can just convert all that steam into something more positive, then that gives!" 
Now, how good is that? The only thing we got to do is smile when there is a rash driver honking like it's the end of the world or if there are the-nouveau-riche-kind-of people trying to zig-zag through the traffic. Just keep your cool and try to transform your anger into a mood of your liking  by broadening your lips into a smile. And then there is peace; within the body and even without!

Monday, 11 November 2013

163. I Wish!

If wishes were horses, then surely I would have flapped my wings and flown to near and distant places to help my brethren ! I so wish I, this speck of dust that I am in this gargantuan expanding Universe, would bring a change to my Earth? The feeling of hope so exhilarating and the more than often thoughts of utter helplessness inflict a pain within me utterly unbearable so much so that I am like a fish caught in a fisherman's net, trying to break free!
I feel more pain when I see the young people while away their time doing absolutely nothing when they actually have this innate power to do so much more than they can imagine. The youth are the guiding force of the whole world. They can be the change they want to see. If they join hands, they will be a force stronger than any in the world. It is towards them that each and everyone across the nations are looking at. If they set an example, others will be bound to follow. It is more a thinking from the heart that the young people should do. If they resort to violence, there will be absolutely no hope left for any of us. 
The world does need a lot of people who think more humanely and it is the youth who can show the way to this dream world! I wish! 

Monday, 4 November 2013

162. Vini Mini

I have been reading a lot recently on the earliest forms of writings and pictograms starting from 3500 BC, when the process of recording world history started in a systematic manner. Great revelations through drawings on the walls, clay tablets and more of the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Indus Valley and Shang Civilizations. Some of these writings could be deciphered and some could not. However, the earliest writings are interesting in reference to the present day context. 

Why I say this is because as I was reading this, my mind flew back to school when a couple of our friends started the Vini Mini language and glory of all glories, which even had original alphabets.We talked amongst ourselves in this secret language, which was Greek for others and Vini Mini for us. We even wrote letters to each other in fairly long sentences decipherable only by us. What fun we had as we behaved like 'secret-agents-on-a-mission-to-save-the-world'! Well almost! 

The Vini Mini alphabets which we created from the English alphabets.