Thursday, 31 October 2013

161. Imagine

Imagine there’s no jealousy
Imagine there’s just compassion
Imagine there’s no killing
Imagine there’s just Mother Teresa
Imagine there’s no corruption
Imagine there’s just good people
Imagine there’re no cunning people
Imagine there’re just smart people
Imagine there’s no cutting of trees
Imagine there’s just green all around
Imagine there’s no poor and the deprived
Imagine there’s just equality
Imagine there was no 30th October
Imagine my brothers and sisters are still alive
Imagine there’s no fight for a separate state
Imagine there’s just one people
Imagine there’s no boundary
Imagine there’s just one world
Imagine there’s no war

Imagine there’s just love, love and love!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

160. All in the mind!

In a letter to Indira Nehru, when as a young girl of 16, she was trying to recuperate from pleuresy and suspected tuberculosis in Les Frenes, Switzerland, Jawaharlal Nehru wrote from India, "Health is not merely a physical condition. It is very much a mental affair. You complain  of nerves. We are all more or less nervy but we must not be dominated by should deliberately put worry and nerves on the shelf. It can be done. It has been done." 

Over the years, I have noticed that my mind plays a very big role in how I have shaped myself so far. As a young girl, I remember drifting through life without a worry in the world and that is exactly how my mind took shape. Gay abandon would be the right word for me then.
However, over the years, life has shown me its different shades; some of which I have enjoyed and some that were not too pleasant. Incidentally, I feel blessed by the fact that my mind has this emmense power to retain only that which is good and has deliberately made me forget the unpleasant situations. 
That is what I keep telling all my family (especially my mother who frets about the strangest of reasons!), friends, colleagues and the people I counsel; forget worrying, start living and have a good night's sleep!
Now it's a fact that each one of us have our fair share of worry. But why worry? If there is a problem, there has to be a solution and the solution is to get to the bottom of the problem. No lock has been manufactured without a key. 
Living in this magic moment should be the mantra for each one of us. It has been done and it can be done.

159. Just another day!

Spending one whole day with the underprivileged children of the same God is probably not enough for me to understand the pain and the angst they had gone through when they were abandoned. However, to see angels coming together to make their lives less painful was heartening when people from all across the city met at the Interface at the Don Bosco Provincial House a couple of days back
My only wish is to see these children dream for the stars; to see their dreams fulfilled. 

To be a part of Fr. V. M.Thomas' dream for a Child Friendly Guwahati is the beginning of being the wind beneath the wings of these children. 

"It is just another day when we don't think about the people who need our helping hand."